
Thursday, July 23, 2020

South Island skiing

In the holidays me and my mum went to the South Island wen we got to the Airport we almost missed our flight but we just got on wen we got into our hotel we all we did was take a walk and go to the restaurant that bay. The net day we went skiing we got skinning lessons We learnt how to go forward and stop the next day we went skiing ourselves but I had ski that did not work because it had snow at the bottom of it so we got another pair and went to a plays call cookie bar it head cookie smores and milkshakes and for the last day we went on a gondola and when it's on the go-karts at the top but they had no engine but just brakes But we went down the hill then to go again you have to go on a little gondola that carried the go-karts. then we went to a place called game over which head motor go-karts and a small arcade then we went home the next day.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Super Rugby League

Yesterday me and my class played rugby
League. If you pass the ball six times then
you have to give the ball
to the other team but it was touch. First we
did warm ups like running around the field
and passing  then played the game we started
with the ball and ran out. The other team got
close to the goal but did not score. At the end
we all had no goals. It was fun to play.